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Evangelic Church of Rio de la Plata (IERP in Spanish)
IERP Church dates back to the Protestant Reformation of the XVI century in Europe. This reform starts with a Christian group that promotes a series of changes in the church with active players such as Pedro Valdo, Martin Lutero, Juan Calvino, Ulrico Zuinglio among many others. IERP begins with the unification first communities on both sides of the Rio de La Plata river. Buenos Aires in 1843, Esperanza (Santa Fe) in 1857, Montevideo (Uruguay) in 1857 and Asuncion (Paraguay) in 1893. Starting on 1840 different communities are formed in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay by Russian, German and Swiss Immigrants. Because of this IERP is one of the Protestant churches that’s prior to the Declaration of the Constitution of the Argentinian Republic (1853).
Nowadays IERP consists of people from different cultural backgrounds that account for 250 communities grouped into 42 congregations that together form 7 regions called Districts. The “Congregacion Evangelica Argentino Germana Buenos Aires Sur” is one of those congregations associated to IERP.

Congregación Evangélica Argentino Germana Buenos Aires Sur
Our origins are tightly bonded with the foundation of Quilmes brewery. This led to a strong immigrant current that came to work on it. In 1888 Engineer Helmuth Römpler came to install new equipment on the brewery but sadly his daughter passed away that same year. Since there was no German Evangelic Chapel in the area to officiate a funerary service, Helmuth and his wife Lucia Grunow donated some land next to the railroad to establish a Church and a German School. Two commissions were created, one for each institution. The Chapel was built with contributions from their members who were employed on the brewery and was opened on April 13th, 1902Nuestro Templo

Our Temple
The Temple is the place where we gather for the religious service called Mass. Every Sunday we have Mass in Spanish. The building is 13 meters long by 8 meters wide with atrium, altar, and choir. On the inside, there are 20 wooden benches to accommodate 80 people. It has 6 Vitraux windows from Prague and cross and Altair elements donated on its foundation day by a sister church In Germany. The Gothic Bible was donated by Empress Augusta Victoria of Germany on that date as well. Our Temple is recognized in the area by its high cultural value. Numerous acts have performed here such as Chorus, Orchestras and Chamber Music ensembles. Highly praised by its acoustic has been often selected for live recordings. In 2008 it was declared Historical and Cultural Heritage site of Quilmes city.

Our Mission
The Congregation has two parish centers: the headquarters in Quilmes and a subsidiary in the neighbor city of Florencio Varela. Both parishes held religious activities and are socially engaged to the community. As Christians we believe that Jesus message comprises words and work, because of that we started working in 1982 with disadvantaged families in the area as a testimony of God’s love.


25 de mayo 24
Quilmes (1878)


Phone: (011) 4254-6578 

